Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Padded Panties, Coffee and Fruit..Oh my!

Bliss at ShopStyle

Wow I thought I saw it all when it came to padded panties. Lytess slimming push-up panty have embedded in the fiber, of all wonderful things, caffeine and mango butter. The caffeine helps to absorb other ingredients. Caffeine, when applied on the skin also help to stimulate the skin cells. The mango butter is used as a moisturizer. The ingredient are released throughout the day, through the padded panties and your suppose to gain youthful regenerated skin. They come in sizes sm to 2x. I wonder if you smell like some tropical drink all day long?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Young Designer features Big Beautiful Woman at London Fashion Week

Canadian designer Mark Fast has gone where most have not, to the obvious. How? By  featuring three "plus size" women sizes 12-14 on the catwalk.

Amanda May, managing director for Mark Fast, said "The decision to use the fuller girls is something we have been talking about,"and
"There's this idea that only thin and slender women are able to wear Mark's dresses and he wanted to combat that.
"We wanted women to know they don't have to be a size zero to wear a Mark Fast dress - curvier women can look even better in one."
Slowly but surely fashion norms are becoming more realistic in terms of body size. 
The bad news. Seems as if some people are not ready for the bootylicious body invasion, reports suggest that his stylist and casting director walked out just two days before the show. More...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Be a 10: Butt Exercises by Gavin McKay

Kim Kardashain Talks Fitness DVD

Say NO to Hydrogel Butt Injections

Visit MsJuicyBooty and read on why not to get hydrogel injections, we also have a plastic Surgeon on board to help you with any questions

Being Bootylicous of 40

Big Booty Beauty and the New Sexual Aesthetic

Excerpts from "Big Booty Beauty and the New Sexual Aesthetic"

The many names, affectionate and derogatory, we use in reference to female buttocks suggest the range of ambivalent associations they elicit. “Booty” holds the promise of illicit pleasures. “Fanny” desexualizes the female behind, turning it into a sweet but inconsequential body part. The command to “get off your fanny” is less hostile than “get off your ass.” A “tush” is small and tight, a “rump” is round and fleshy, a “can” is fat and lazy. As Sander Gilman points out, the “buttocks are an ever-shifting symbolic site in the body…. Never do they represent themselves.” Female buttocks function as metaphors for traits that a society values or rejects. Their meanings vary between cultures and among ethnic groups; while a bounteous butt may bring out disgust or disdain in some social circles, it evokes a range of positive associations in others.
In mainstream U.S. culture, “bubble butts” have typically been associated with “lowly” subject positions or “vulgar” sexuality. Calling too much attention to one’s behind is considered uncouth in polite society, a nasty reminder of forbidden or distasteful acts. A big butt is associated with “unnatural” sex, excrement, or the excess and physicality identified with “darker” races. This body metaphor helps us constitute social identities and subject positions. Like most females growing up in America, I learned early on that bodily attributes such as butt size, hair texture, skin color, and body shape could convey a woman’s status and desirability. During my teens, achieving the “all American girl” look that graced the covers of fashion magazines meant dieting the butt into submission. A woman’s failure to reign in an unruly butt connoted her lack of discipline and self-control, and by association, her inferior moral character. It also marked her place in the social order: “high class” women did not carry excess baggage in the trunk. A skinny ass identified you with the elegant and never too rich, never too thin social elite, big butts with the mammies and maids.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sculpt a Better Booty

We are always looking for not only effective but also economical ways to get a bigger booty. The latest entry is Exhale: Core Fusion Body Sculpt DVD. Over 50 positive reviews on this book are featured at Amazon.com. The exercises are broken down by upper body, thighs, butt, abs, and stretches in 10 minute intervals.You can do a 10 minute targeted routine or a full 50 minute workout.
One reviewer say "I am the type of person that might as well open a library with all the workout DVDs I have. This one makes it to the top of the list. There are several selling points:

1) time - there are 5 ten minute sections that do not feel like an eternity nor is there time wasted with talk.

2) form - these two are very careful about form and ensuring that you are able to visualize exactly how you should be doing what they instruct.

3) effectiveness - you feel it afterwards. The next day after doing about three out of the five workouts, I was feeling my muscles.

4) palatable - these two are not annoying, don't yell, have nice music (or not) behind them and are all about the work itself."

All of that at it cost under $10 bucks. Exhale: Core Fusion Body Sculpt

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Some men going for the package deal

Paul, a retired school administrator from Indiana, was tired of his wife's complaints. "She kept saying, 'You've got no butt,' " Paul says. "So I thought, 'I'll show you. I'll buy me a butt.' "

Paul searched online for "butt enhancement" and found a panoply of options. Bottoms Up of Toronto not only sells customized briefs with contoured butt pads ($45.99) in three sizes (Fullback, Halfback and Quarterback), but also offers Pouch Pads ($11.99) for men seeking a fuller profile in their crotch.

He found Silicone Body, a San Diego-area company that calls itself "Your One-Stop Booty Shop." After a big success with the Brazilian Butt Enhancer for women, Silicone Body came out with men's briefs with removable foam butt pads. This spring, they introduced the Package Booster, a foam enhancement for front loading, which also fits into the padded briefs ($33.49 online for the full faux monty).

Yes, They Make Your Butt Look Big

"Underwear with butt (and crotch) pads for men… Hot or not? Awesome or awful?

Frankly, I’d expect that sort of thing for women—we’re ALL ABOUT the illusion…makeup, fake nails, colored hair, highlights, spray tans, push-up bras, shapewear (remember when that shit was called a girdle?), Botox and yes, Booty Pop underwear so we can all look like Kim Kardashian. Nothing surprising about any of that.

But why would any man don underwear with butt (or crotch) pads? I don’t get it… I know popular culture has elevated the female gravity-defying ass to new heights, right up there with oddly round gravity-defying breasts and a -5% BMI but I had no idea men were concerned that their gluteus maximus might only be a gluteus minimus."


Kelly Clarksons got a big ole Butt! And she likes it.

Kelly confesses that she is a huge fan of her curvy ass - and knows other girls would pay to get a booty like hers.

"I totally have no chest. I'm all butt. Ever since I was a kid I've had a bubble butt. I get it from my mama."

"Guys are usually like, 'Oh my gosh, look at that butt!' In a good way! I'm a fan of my butt."

"I like filling out a pair of jeans, because sometimes I see girls who can't and I feel bad about that. Not that I'm against plastic surgery."

"If a girl wanted bigger bigger boobs, she could get them, but you can't get a bigger butt! (Someone must have told her it is possible to get a bigger butt)You can?! Oh my God, I can't believe that - that's so crazy."


Bikini Jeans

Interesting.Would you wear em?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Big Butts, Big Breast and Mens' Sexuality

As Americans I think we have a very unfair and repressed ideas
about a woman and her sexuality. First I'd like to remind people
that a woman's sexuality is totally hers, how she thinks about her
body regardless of other peoples opinions, is her damn business.
Now of course there are exception to every rule and I know body
distortion disorders do exist in woman and some men as well. Which is, imho, an off shoot of women not owning their sexuality and being comfortable with their body image.
Are we responsible for a mans' libido? Is having or wanting to
have a bigger butt or bigger breasts a direct and proportional signal to men that we want to have sex with him. Some men would like to thinks so, and some woman too.
No woman, not even the most promiscuous woman, wants to have sex with every man she sees. Its insulting to think so. I often pose this question to people, "what if a butt naked woman casually walked down the street?" is that an invitation to sex? Well, first lets examine the woman, if she is indeed walking down the street naked, there is obviously a mental issue
going on. And if a man recognizes this and still forced himself on her, who is the most mentally ill? Women we are as God's children, allowed our personal space, even if inside that space is a
fine fully feminine figure of a woman with a big butt and big breast. No one can come in until we allow them too, plain and simple. Which is why we have to be very responsible and careful of what and who we let in our space.

Welcome to MsJuicyBooty's Blog

MsJuicy Booty's Blog purpose is to teach you how to get a bigger butt. A sexy perky round bottom in addition to a flat stomache and a small waist is the idea type for most women. And as women we should be proud of our femenine figure.
This blog is an supplement to my website MsJuicyBooty. There is so much information to share that I felt the need to add a blog to Ms. Juicy Booty. More great info to come!